Solid State Battery Technology and Companies


Will solid-state Batteries replace conventional Li-Ion batteries?

Experienced battery manufacturers and start-ups around the world are working to replace the liquid electrolyte of batteries with a solid-state electrolyte in order to enhance the safety and energy density.

The solid-state electrolyte is often made from:

  • organic polymers

  • inorganic glasses or ceramics

  • combinations therof

Conventional liquid electrolytes are inherently unsafe because they contain flammable organic solvents and other toxic components.

Moreover, liquid electrolytes have a rather low voltage stability and lack mechanical stability. This makes liquid electrolytes incompatible with high energy Lithium-metal anodes and requires the use of an additional solid separator to prevent short-circuits. This reduces the energy of the battery.

In theory, solid state electrolytes could relief at least some of these issues in batteries. However, these benefits are often bought at the expense of other important aspects like costs or power capability.

Roland Zenn

Roland is the Head of Sourcing Battery Cell Materials for Gigafactories of Farasis Energy Europe and USA.

Roland is very active on LinkedIn on Battery Technology evolution and gets a large audience following his Insights on the business

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