Truck OEM Cooperation for  Future Commercial Vehicles
Business, Battery, FuelCell Dr Cecile Pera Business, Battery, FuelCell Dr Cecile Pera

Truck OEM Cooperation for Future Commercial Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles and more generally Transport are preparing themselves to more stringent pollutant constrains as well as fast decarbonisation. Between future Powertrain with complex Engine, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and full Electric options, there are a lot of uncertainties

To face the cost of development, we see more and more announcements of alliances and partnerships between Truck Manufacturers such as (Daimler AG and Volvo Trucks ) or (Navistar and Cummins)

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Do Fuel Cells have any Chance against EVs?
FuelCell Dr Cecile Pera FuelCell Dr Cecile Pera

Do Fuel Cells have any Chance against EVs?

Does Fuel Cell get any chance in the future compared to Battery Electric Vehicles? Talking about passenger cars: unlikely but for commercial vehicles, trucks, marine or aeronautic: FCs get lot of advantages: Cost of Ownership, higher power / energy density reducing needed battery weight; Nevertheless, FCs remain complex and expensive to develop obliging main players (Daimler etc.) to partnership

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