10 Fun Facts about Lithium Battery

Image compiled by Andy Lee

Image compiled by Andy Lee

10 Fun Facts about Lithium-ion Battery:

1. Ranking of manufacturing cost, if same chemistry, from lowest to highest: (1) Cylindrical; (2) Prismatic; (3) Pouch.
2. Of the 4 key components, Separator LIBS is enjoying the highest profit margin.
3. Just like Lithium Ion Batteries, majority of the separators are manufactured in Asia, dominated by Korea, Japan and China.
4. Of the major producers, only SK Innovation and BYD produce their own cells and separators.
5. Cathode determines the Lithium Battery capacity and voltage.
6. Electrolyte type determines movement speed of lithium ions.
7. Anode active material enables electric current to flow through the external circuit.
8. There is more Nickel than Lithium in new-gen high capacity Lithium Ion Batteries.
9. Both Graphite and Lithium are ~50% of their respective Electrode cost.
10. A Lithium Ion Battery cell is never 5V in itself; 
a) In electronics like mobile phones, it is stepped down to 3.3V; 
b) In laptops, it is stacked in series for higher voltage before stepping down.

Disclaimer: Facts based on personal knowledge and/or researches but some may not be up-to-date. Cost ratio in the table based on 18650.

Andy Lee

Andy is a freelance consultant, technologist and sustainability enthusiast. To learn more about Andy, please visit his LinkedIn page


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