Electric Vehicles


Electric cars: Business, TU Delft

  • How electric cars are disrupting conventional business models

  • How to apply advanced business innovation tools

  • How to develop profitable e-mobility business models

  • Innovation in future mobility

Algorithms for Battery Management Systems Specialization

Major functions that must be performed by a Battery Management System, how lithium-ion battery cells work and how to model their behaviours, and how to write algorithms to estimate state-of-charge, state-of-health, remaining energy, and available power, and how to balance cells in a battery pack


Modelling of Battery dynamics, Univ of Colorado

Major functions that must be performed by a Battery Management System, how lithium-ion battery cells work and how to model their behaviours, and how to write algorithms to estimate state-of-charge, state-of-health, remaining energy, and available power, and how to balance cells in a battery pack

  • Introduction to Battery: how does it work? Components? etc.

  • Equivalent-Circuit Cell Models

  • Microscale Cell Models

  • Continuum (Porous-Electrode) Cell Models

  • State-Space Models and the Discrete-Time Realization Algorithm

  • Reduced-Order Models of Cell Dynamics

  • Thermal Modelling


CFD and Modelling


OpenFOAM® is a free CFD software offering lot of possibilities. If you want to learn how to use OpenFOAM® especially for Engine and Automotive industry application, please visit this website: https://holzmann-cfd.com/

In particular, you will find a lot of examples and Training Cases including Automotive Industry applications

Catalyst Heat-Up Simulation by Holzmann CFD using OpenFOAM®

Catalyst Heat-Up Simulation by Holzmann CFD using OpenFOAM®